Why you should book a newborn photo shoot with me!
Those first few weeks with your newborn is a whirlwind! The sleepless nights, the visitors, trying to get some form of routine, all while trying to figure out what you’re actually doing!!
This is one of the main reasons a newborn shoot is so important, as you want to be able to freeze time, your little one is rapidly changing, growing and putting on the pounds right before your eyes!
It’s the perfect time to actually visit me in my little newborn studio as well! As strange as this sounds, when you come to my studio, your little one is in my hands from that moment, needing parents just for feeding, changing and extra settling if needed. The sessions give you the opportunity to sit back, relax and watch! Or sleep, I really don’t mind! While I create the magic, with swaddles and props to give you the memories you deserve to cherish forever. My little studio is warm, cosy and welcoming. I have taken a long time to create a relaxing atmosphere and a huge array of bespoke props for you to sit and enjoy.
This is also the perfect time to take stock and look on in awe of the amazing little person you created. No matter how many newborns I see, I am still truly amazed by the miracle of life that we create.
As we all know, life is hectic at the best of times and we sometimes struggle to remember the small details, so having a newborn photo shoot will really capture all those little memories, tiny fingers and toes, their little faces and rolls!
Another reason for a newborn shoot is not only the memory for you, but the memory for grandparents and family members too! I mean what grandparents don’t just love showing off pictures of their grandchildren to anyone and everyone who will look! With my photos, stunning wall art, prints and USB options, they are the perfect gifts to share out with equally adoring family members to treasure forever.
When it comes to choosing your newborn photographer it is so important to choose a style you love. We have many newborn photographers locally and each of us have our own style. I love simplicity and stay true to my style! I love natural timeless images concentrating on baby. My style is pure and natural with any additions to the images being very minimal to add and not distract from the beauty of your baby. Another important consideration when it comes to newborn photography is experience. Safety is the most important thing for me at any newborn session. I am trained in handling babies, safety and the speciality of newborn photography and continue to train all the time to perfect my art. Having photographed over 250 babies last year, your little one is in very safe experienced hands. After all, you are handing over your most precious thing to me. I adore my job so much and I am so proud of the images I create.
When is the best time to book a newborn shoot?
I’m very lucky to be in demand and I am booked up months in advance. the best time to book your session is after your first scan. I schedule in a date then hold back spaces to reschedule if baby arrives a lot sooner or later than expected. last minute sessions are very rare and if you leave it until baby arrives, I will rarely have spaces.
How old should my baby be?
The first two weeks are the best time to capture those precious “sleepy” moments, as babies spend most of their time asleep in those first few week. new babies are easier to pose and are still naturally in that curled up position with little legs tucked up. Plus siblings are still in the infatuation stages and will look at them with total adoration (before the reality sets in and “some” want to give them back to wherever they came from! Lol)
If you are interested in booking a session, please don’t hesitate to ask me any questions and be sure to look at my new website and my Instagram for some picture ideas!
Little Star Images
